omg so here i am trying to quickly jot down the main key events ..ive been so LAZY with blog xD
thy just busted my project weepweep* it was meant to be the ULTIMATE SURPRISE WHEN I FINISH ..i guess its all up to me brain to think up of the superdooper design that will BLOW HER MIND AWAY..rofl..thats if i finish..i started last year and ive just stuck down the corner design today.. now for the rest of the white empty space..
my two aunties cousin and cousin came down from sydney on the 12th and stayed here till 16th. picked them up from the airport, drove them to visit uncles grave drove back to my place ate was HUMID AND YUCK the day before was SO SO HOT like 43 degrees hot - - .. the next day we went to 1000 steps and this birdy place SO COOL u feed them and they land on u and eat off ur hand ! i nearly reversed into a hole up on the mountains..we were doing a FREAKING U TURN on a narrow 70 road top it off i was driving my VAN ..LOL i survived nonetheless ..too good i guess..;) haha dad was freaking out ofcourse..after the mountains we went to springvale to find a place to eat ended up in goldleaf and ordered a few dishes it was ok i guess only ONE dish was WOWEE
the next day we went to the city - botanical gardens crown and i went to do some shopping with my sisters and cousin
the next day it was a feast at my place ate talked in the arvo we went to dfo
the next day they went home
my cousin Julie is CRAZY she sleeps early and wakes up at 6AM EVERYDAY TT
my other cousin..i dont know ..found it difficult to make a proper conversation with him ...all in all a fun week guys =))
that saturday arvo (16/1/2010)
i went to jenns for HOTPOT it was a goodbye party ..KV and ROSE are in AMERICA RIGHT NOW and theyre not coming back until semester 2. dont know when izzy is going to america but shell be gone for 2 YRS!!! HAVE FUN GUYS AND BEST OF LUCK ( even tho u guys dont even read my blog x) )
that night we played articulate and labyrinth muhaha i want articulate even tho i suck at it xD
mm what else o yes on tuesday 19th i met up with thy elan cc linda andrew.s and we went to YUMCHA at dragonboat..i dont know whats good yumcha or whats bad..but i say that it was good..? LOL then we went to take STIKA PHOTOS YO rofl xD was very fun haha
met up with jen to go buy some stuff at dfo and return my jacket - - was a size too big i ended up being sucked into buying an 'ugly' tonybianco bag and felt and stuffing and i really like these highboots..but me and boots..i dont know..
the day before yesturday drove dad to buy a new washing machine..i so didnt know u can bargain asian styles at electronic places..MAN NEW DISCOVERIES haha
yesturday i spent the day installing my new washingmaching and watching it work..seriously its purely amazing stuff
yes today is gonna be hot humid i can FEELS IT
fatty is going to them crooked vultures concert ridiculous ..RIDICULOUS I SAY
me and the fatty have been up and down lately mostly down because of me and my moody mood swings i havent even hanged out with this one since forever
i would like to say SORRY TO christina the most i owe her SO MUCH i will schedule a time for u ASAP PROMISE i also hope u and ur family will feel better soon