OMG I HATE TREES..decided to stay home today to study..BUT NOOO i had to go help dad cut trees and pick up leaves and tell dad where to cut so the tree is CIRCULAR FAROUT waste of time! ARGh should of gone to uni..SHOULD OF WENT SHOPPING WITH JEN N THY ..!
i just finished from cleaning up well its not clean but good enough for now..its 230pm..i started at 9AM ZOMG ...now im eating and watching masterchef..
what a waste of HALF A DAY!
just cooked rice..FREEZING COLD WATER i never know how much water to add ==
the queens request:
someones comment or status thing on facebook was like BRITNEY CONCERT YAY and immediately i thought britney? a concert? the queen must know about this..infact she probably even planned her day at the concert already..
atm im really blank so the queens request cant be fulfilled.. HOPEFULLY her day today was A O K so when shes at home reading this shes in a good mood and just call me a faggot or say something vulgar about my face or something..i rather that than her being sad or mad ...
gotta go study..must stay up late tonight to make up for TODAY ..ergh
hope T JEN PAT did ok today too!
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