Thursday, August 20, 2009

today i went to fattys there at around 10.30 ish? i spent at least 1.5 hrs on facebook watched the proposal..LOL will lOVES this movie..i dont understand why.. haha will u gay xD spent the next 1.5 hrs on facebook then made carbonara ate then michea; drove us to the station went home..yes my day wasted..
omg this morning was HORRIFIC some effing person farted and it was so BAD and i think i got the strongest whiff of it all..farout i wanted to spew it was SO SOOO BAD freaking hell
rofl a certain someone told me about their experience with david copperfield
person A & person B were talking about david copperfield and how their friends went to go see him and it was WOWWEE then person B asked if person A wanted to see david copperfield..person A was SO EXCITED thinking omg is person B gonna buy us tickets to go so person A was like YES YES OFCOURSE and person B kept asking do u want to see david.c?? ..before u know it..person B sent person A a youtube clip of david.c ..person A was a bit..shattered laughed at the whole situation but ..shattered..LOLOLOL person B is just beautiful

should seriously start studying!

1 comment:

  1. yes.. person B truly is beautiful xD
    and friends don't go to friends house just to watch movies alone together and eat home made carbonara.. and smoochy smoochy. thats what lesbian lovers do =D
