i woke up remembering the two weirdest dreams i just had..
in my first dream i was crying heaps and heaps that i was actually crying in reality i woke up and my eyes were wet and tears were running down my face i was so wtf went back to sleep
second dream IS SO WEIRD LOL..
scene 1:
i drove to thys house (she owns a woody double storey)
scene 2:
its either me or somebody else that was there with us who pulled out this old outfit that belonged to thy. thy was shocked and horrified because it is a bad memory of an unfortunate event..the outfit had blood stains and somebodys name written on it in blood..thy grabbed the outfit and ran out of her room then we heard noises upstairs so we all ran up there to see. in a room there was a bald wicked guy (whose name is imprinted on thys outfit) with all these girls ..random girls from curly fat brunettes to skinny blondes screaming and jumping away from that bald guy..then he saw us and we screamed and ran
this bald guy uses little needles to stab us ?..rofl i dont know what was happening but he was just stabbing us with little needles..it freaking KILLED in the dream..
scene 3:
bald guy was with other bad guys and now they were carrying babies and running to their cars..and we were trying to stop them and they kept stabbing us with those little pins like on our legs and arms and the pins would stay there and u wouldnt be able to run anymore but stand there and take them out..well that was what i was doing in my dream..rofl..i was even stabbed with this BIG pin looked like the tip of a marker?
o my..the things i come up with..the guys got away with the babies. thy started crying
i woke up
LOLOLOLOLOLOL.. omg i laughed so hard my stomach hurts now.. WTH!!! LOL