Thursday, June 17, 2010

clipboard people

have you ever been bombarded by those people on the streets asking for your opinion about join donate blood or money to charity or the homeless etc?.. well ive never seen anybody or met anyone who is so afraid to be stopped by those people.. noone ..until the fat one came along. on the 26th on may ..she bought me le petite gataeu cakes.. thankyou

this tart..was too sweet for me..i didn't like it

then we went to cavillino and ate carbonara and wedges..

then went back to uni so i can study..
on the way back there were two people roaming around with their clipboards..she was so scared that she INSISTED on crossing the road and walking AROUND THEM..- - so we did..had to take the LONG way back to uni..she was so happy dancing and prancing around saying we escaped them trinh! then out of nowhere there was this lady with a clipboard infront of us going HI!! do you have a minute? me..Oo oh um sorry no haha i have to go to uni to study..( LOLOL what a loser i am ) walked off and i was just like..GREAT WE ENDED UP BUMPING INTO THEM ANYWAYS..what escape route was THAT?!

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