Tuesday, December 8, 2009

just beautiful

well well well what HAPPENED TODAY HEY?
it RAINED thats what happened..
according to my sis since 5am and didnt stop till like 1PM ..so what did i do with my sisters and dad today.. CHANGE FISH WATER OFCOURSE!! from 3 tanks and not to mention THE POND OUTSIDE ..and no thats not it..u see we keep tropical fishes so they like water around 27 degrees so..SOOO we cant just chuck in ice cold rain water we had to BOIL IT FOR THEM TT o how i hate it when it R A I N S >:/
and i had to cancel my zoo day tomorrow cos i thought itd never stop raining..checked the forecast and its CLOUDY tomorrow i swear i know itll be a pocket full of sunshine but its cancelled what can i do - - scheduled sometime next week ..HOW CRAZY IS THE WEATHER when we were in spring we had like HOT SUMMER DAYS out of nowhere now that were in summer what happens ?? it RAINS?! zomg..planning an outdoor adventure these days is like GAMBLING with the weather TT lol

somethings wrong with our outdoor pond fishes cant breathe and are slowly dying AGAIN. my guppies and platy had BABIES =) stupid fishes tho..they see their kids swim and i dont know what goes on in their brains but i betcha it goes something along the lines of.. "hmm OOoh is that my kid that just came out of my ass?? i wonder what he/she tastes like *GULPS*..ooh that was nice let me go find another baby to eat".. seriously they have their babies and eat THEM i was so pissed when i saw it happen it was like..OMG MURDERER! ahh fishes - -

yesturday i watched like 4 episodes of glee i like it..i kinda skip all their random singing bits tho xD BUT I SOO WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT xD mmm what else did i watch o ..an OLD 007 well the first 10 minutes..bahaha love it..their gadgets and tech stuff..man back then that was the WOWEE COOL STUFF xD before you know it were gonna be laughing at iPODS !..remember videos and cassettes?? ahh classics i still have a vcr xD bahaha o how were getting o so very old


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