Sunday, December 6, 2009

once again..

been too lazy to post .. cos nothing WOWEE has really happened besides i am now 21yrs old ..ever since FRIDAY. had a family party thy jen vy joined =) THANKYOU YOU GUYS LOVE LOVE LOVE ..what we did.. we chopped and washed vegies.. thy was giving sonny massages ROFL umm we fried spring rolls..and THEY EXPLODED like EXPLODED EXPLODED meat flying everywhere oil flying everywhere it was FREAKY STUFF ..thy was the BRAVE ONE she fried the rest didnt believe us so when i asked him to turn off the stove he was all yeh yeh as if they explode..and it DID it exploded on his hand! lucky no burns mmm what else the cake was O K like it was nice but i dont was hurting my throat.. o the day before friday me thy went to the city i went to get cake thy did her business ..waited for brian waited for fatty i finished my DIRTY JOKES book whilst waiting for fatty..went to thys house..fatty rode his bike from ginifer to thys house .me and thy were were lucky not to get fined by inspectors cos they were wayyy at the back of the train (we didnt have zone 2 tickets) ate lasagne watched man vs food played GAMES yeh..

so fatty asked me what i wanted for my birthday i said wth just get me whatever you think would make me happy besides jewelery and swarovski
so this person decided to go name a star after me but found out it was 'bogus' stuff and so he decided to buy me a TELESCOPE.. so i can look at stars and whatnot..everyone knew the telescope was for him..- - LUCKILY she just got a quote and told me before she bought it.. seriously im not even into stars and planets and stuff like that..? its like buying someone a golf ball when they dont play golf ..and the only reason why i reject this telescope gift is because its PATRICk (for those of u who know him..ud understand too LOL) ..if it was someone else and they generally thought id like it id accept it.. which brings me to another random rambling.. PRESENTS dont u hate FINDING GIFTS FOR DIFFERENT OCCASIONS FOR DIFFERENT PEOPLE..i dont know if its just me..but i STRUGGLE SO SO BAD its HORRIBLE LOL so i told to buy me GAMEBOARDS! YEHH! like lABRYNTH SCRABBLE TABOO PICTIONARY CLUEDO JENGA UNO TWISTER..

o yes yesturday i went to see the JADE BUDDHA =) o YEEEH ..tho im not religious nor was i into seeing the jade buddha the fact that i did.. made me feel..yes i saw it LOL
and altho its staying in melb till the 20th - - and it would of been better to go some other day to see him and not the BUSIEST OPENING CEREMONY DAY it was satisfying to be there xD i was told off by some old lady cos i was taking pictures of him and didnt ask for permission - - so i stopped asked for permission and continued taking pictures..
i dont understand why they didnt create some sort of queue so that everyone can go up close and see ..seriously we were all squished in the sun and to top it off there were MEGA UMBRELLAS at the front to block ur view = = the dalai lama is coming on thursday THUMBS i might go see him too ..cos HOW OFTEN DO U GET TO SEE THE DALAI LAMA? rofl..ok
i think i shall stop here cos im tired xD


  1. TRINH!!! omgosh it was your 21st?!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I'm so slow T____T please forgive me. All the best wishes to you and goodluck for your future career <3

  2. THANKYOU MINNIE and loll ur not slow!! xD
