so i could of gone out with the fat one thy and the koon..IF planning was more planned? everyone was free today just needed to know a yes or no from thy (even tho the koon did say he would be tired from karaoke all night but said he didnt mind)
i couldnt contact her at ALL during the day on monday.
tuesday came and still no contact..
UNTIL *dumdum dum dummmmmmmmm* i made another phone call to her and it finally CONNECTED. she did not mention anything about wednesday and all my offline msgs were deleted because her ebuddy crashed so she asked about friday and saturday (the original plan) and i totally forgot about wednesday and so today wednesday came &..nothing happened zz
ANYWAYS during that short phone call i was told some interesting things.."OMG TRINH omg umm you know shikamaru yeh? yeh?! well um ever since yknow .. she hasn't 'waterfalled'. OMG WTH LOL umm
so that night i had a dream..
i woke up today remembering my dream..
first i was at a wedding at a church and taylor swift was there with was either her wedding or someone elses, not too sure, the other girl i know from the wedding was my primary school friend alicia.c who i dont talk to anymore. .we were all in red. the wedding theme was red. guys were in red. girls were in red. i was wearing this ugly red floral top and flared jeans. LOL anyways i was sitting next to taylor and alicia and we were just laughing taking photos and talking..roflrofl then i had to quickly leave the wedding and go to uni..i looked at my timetable and head to whatever class it said. (for some reason if i dream about school/uni and going to class i always
always dream about this one particular english class.. and it seems to be the only class i miss in my dream - simply because its not on my timetable! or my eyes just forget about it ..and im always stressed because i havent done any work for it..ALWAYS the SAME english random) anyways well today the classroom turned into some teachers office and ppl were handing in assignments i started freaking out because i havent done any work and im like to one of the girls whats this for and shes like the english shitting in my pants going OMG OMG I HAVENT DONE ANYTHING i it a short assignment? the random asian chic goes umm yeh pretty short took me two days to finish ..= ='' i decided to walk in and plead to the english teacher for an extension..and this random teacher was NICE and happy and she said i was lucky and she gave me an extension..LOL
and the next thing i remember was me in a car with jenn. she was driving me somewhere and it was like deserted..there were factories and out of nowhere a church with a lot of ppl going in. so jen went to park in a factory and dropped me off and she disappeared somewhere..i walked and crossed that dusty road and into that church..and guess was THY putting up flowers and ribbons as finishing touches TO HER WEDDING! (she was poor and cheap so didnt hire ppl to do that for her) in my dream i was calm and expected it and congratulated her.. but me now remembering it..whoa its just WTH LOL. well thy was in this pink dress.. similar to the bride wars movie.

cept thys dress is obviously pink. no ribbon around the waist and short above her knees and she was wearing those silver heels she always wears withs stockings..LOL..well in the dream she saw me and greeted me and then laughed at what i was wearing going WTH ARE U WEARING and i told her to shutup because i had to wear it to taylor swifts wedding LOL.. then we were talking and jenn popped up she was in black. it was an unprofessional wedding. like a secret society one. there were random guys i didnt know in horrible casual clothes..anyways we sat down and the next bit was a blur then the next bit i remember was me talking to thy and she said SOMEBODY COULD OF BEEN MY BRIDEMAID IF IT WASNT FOR.. and eyed what i was wearing LOL..and the last bit i remember is asking her if shes getting married asap because shes preggers..LOLOL
o man..classic. wth is wrong with me. LOL
on another note. the fatone asked me on the phone the other night if my close friend went to have an abortion would i go with them and im duh why not? hes like COS ULL GET SPAT ON BY PROTESTERS!
roflrofl..i think he watches too many movies. lives in an artificial world. because i only see that in movies.. but does it happen here too? am i that naiive?