for the first time in a long time i stayed up past midnight doing homework. my prac report was due monday and as usual i left it to the last minute. i love my prac group. its small but we all help each other its just a happy loving group. i find it really sad that this is their last year and i wont see them anymore..especially kim and kim. theyre going back to malaysia. but i guess thats life friends come and go.. =)
well monday was over.
and that night i learnt how to KNIT! woo. i find it shocking that i didnt know how to knit until that night..
it took me forever to get the hang of it..mum was just zooming away and i was still struggling on doing the slip knot and casting on TT
once i got used to it tho and saw my success..the feeling was pure bliss..LOL dont u just love that feeling..the feeling of accomplishment..=) im just sad thres no enough yarn to knit a scarfe TT..

the yarn i chose was multicoloured so to start off.. it was meant to be this light purpley pink colour..but as i was learning and kept screwing up - i snipped it and chucked it in the bin...all that colour is gone.
holiday break my ass..i have all these assignments due as soon as we hit uni in less that two weeks..not to mention the 4 weeks of lectures i missed due to doing assignments need to catch up on that..
enjoy ur break everyone =D
I love knitting! You should try double knitting :D