did a massive fish tank swap =.= and i actually did some study!
fatty says she never wants to eat maccas double cheeseburger anymore because it gave her diarrhea. she woke up in the middle of the night 3-4 times to go to the loo
i dont know why..but fatty enjoys telling me stuff like how some guy smiled or winked at her during the day or the train was empty and some random guy would sit opposite to her out of all the empty seats
.. lol its funny when she tells me because she EXPECTS ME to be jealous or something..LOL i just find her ridiculous. now when she does flatter herself infront of me she goes..i know you're gonna think im full of myself but just hear me out 8D ok ok so today some guy...
some people need to open their eyes LOL
omg on friday i went to coles..and some old asian woman walked past me and I HEARD HER FART. I was just so grossed out I didnt want to walk near the orange juice section but we needed some and mum was asking me whats what etc. i was holding my breath and i was being so immature lolol. i mean were surrounded by polluted air everywhere but i dont know the thought of fresh fart...is..
and the fact that I HEARD IT
someone's new CALCULATOR watch..i just ..love it.

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