"You make me smile like the sun, fall out of bed, sing like bird, dizzy in my head, spin like a record, crazy on a Sunday night.You make me dance like a fool, forget how to breathe, shine like gold, buzz like a bee just the thought of you can drive me wild ..Oh, you make me smile"
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
we went to footscray to buy food and a cake.. i DIDNT get to buy my choc mousse cake ...POO TO MUM..went to buy an asian sponge cake TT
bought lipton lemon tea powder from this philipino store..DOES NOT TASTE LIKE LIPTON TEA AT ALL..more like this asian pickled kumquat drink..ergh..must tell jenn about this
bought stuff for seafood HOTPOT! at emily's seafood?..yeh they have awesome stuff there
umm I HATE REVERSE PARKING..well parking somewhere where u need to reverse but i dont..and make life harder for me..specially is THAT BIG RED VAN I DRIVE..yes i drive a BIG RED VAN cos dad doesnt trust me in the little newer car..= = pft
yeh..nothing EXCITING really happened today
DIDNT KNOW MY SISTER IS turning 18 thought she was turning 17?! mann..
BORD AS ! TT jenns gonna go to syd soon..and then im gonna be here .. doing nothing TT
o yes my other uncle came over to give us chicken bones for sonny..and LOL i think hes drunk cos hes blabbering on so much crap and dads just agreeing..he was telling dad and everyone how hes a fortune teller..LOL and how he builds the best lucky feng shui pond thing? LOLL asians
my cousin got mad at her dad cos he was drinking instead of picking her up from work? and she couldnt catch public transport for some reason? so she walked home..when my dad and her dad called her she just went quiet..and smsd her dad a rude angry msg...some ppl
Monday, June 29, 2009
good freinds
mm did nothing all day BORD BORD BORD
cbs going shopping with family so here i am
i should start doing something like make something but no inspiration is coming to me
so now im reading thru final fantasy four walkthrough ..LOL yes i suck ..but ZOMG I HONESTLY TRULY THOUGHT i was near the end...but im like...HALFWAY?! ZOMG..and im up to this guy...and i cant beat him..at ALL.. IM SO SAD TT so i have to level up my characters...and its so fustratingly BORING TT
ok so i find where i am in this walkthru...and the guy im trying to kill is..dr lugae? and NO WONDER WHY I CANT KILL HIM COS HIS HP IS 12642?! and my attacks are just 500 HP DAMAGE and his attacks are 2000 hp damage...great
OMGGG OMG..all this time all i needed was to use 2 or 3 cant remember elixirs to KILL HIM...OMG im such a..amjn\fakf
Sunday, June 28, 2009
gave sonny a bath..zomg wet all my clothes so i took my pants off..so if anyone was looking in my backyard theyd see a girl washing her dog in a green top and knickers..beautiful
saved another 100 from fatshit
does not know what to do
is really worried about results
craving mussels..and chicken and chips..CHARCOAL CHICKEN CHIPS WITH GRAVY
the queen is SWEARING HEAPS cos her red friend came
recharged our car batteries on wednesday..last week of exams/uni wednesday
..sif ITS NOT U THY..LOL did u take mine and gave it to vy instead? and said it was URS? LOL
watched definitely, maybe..my sis didnt liked it..so i thought itd be crappy but in fact i LIKE IT very MUCH THUMBS UP
Saturday, June 27, 2009
20 months
2: sisters gave me MUMS phone instead of MY phone zomg..>=/
3: went to uni returned my books
4: went to mc met up with fatshit...fustrated and angry
5: went to crown to watch year one..NOT A GOOD MOVIE..not my kind of movie anyways .. had its funny moments but overal..bleh
6: had a reservation at donovons
7: caught a tram got off maybe 1/2 and hr before the place..so WALKED that half an hr = =
8: got there ordered..mm ordered a drink - whiskey woo? ..not nice..ultimate chocolate mudslide is the best =)
our starter was steamed black mussels with something and something and creme fraiche..IT WAS ORGASMIC! I LOVE LOVE IT...id just go there to eat this dish =D $22.00? [cant believe we forgot the name of this dish ]
fatshit had : • Home-made spaghetti alla carbonara with eggs, cheese and crispy pancetta $22.00/$32.00
me : • Our favourite organic pork chop with cotechino and garlic butter $41.00
fatshits: • Sautéed button mushrooms with fresh thyme $9.00
ours : • Hot chocolate soufflé with espressoice cream $19.50
..i never had a chocolate souffle and always wanted to..but after eating it today... yeh im put off chocolate ..TT i like the bistro apricot souffle much more
9: on the way home found a ball in the playground..STOLE it for sonny..xD he destroyed it immediately ofcourse - -.. played on swings..FIRST TIME IN AGESSS! made my stomach have butterflies..ahh miss being a kid
10: found out that fatshits workmates wants to see me.. i was so wth why?? ..DO U KNOW WHY..bcos hes a freak and everyone just gets so amazed when he goes yes i do have a gf..and they go..O REALLY??..ok.. and OFCOURSE theyd want to meet the idiot thats dating him = = ...its his fault for acting like a walrus infront of his friends..if he was normal why would they BE SURPRISED?..his whole family thought he was gay until i came along and they still didnt believe him until maybe a month or so and it kinda clicked that he isnt gay afterall = =
life is beautiful
overall a good day ..not the BEST but good =]
happy 20 months
micheal jackson died..fatshit is VERY VERY SAD ..i think he was even crying? oO
Friday, June 26, 2009
childhood fears

Joshua Hoffine says:
“My images are not photoshop collages.I use photoshop to finesse details and to adjust color and contrast for printing.I use friends and family members as actors and crew.Everyone works for free. We do it for fun.”
found these through geekologie..just had to post them up cos i diggs haha =]
these are just some of my favorites heaps more on his site http://www.joshuahoffine.com/#a=0&at=0&mi=1&pt=0&pi=1&s=0&p=-1
my sister b was listening
my sister a asked: is there a beach near the city?
me: yeh why?..theres st kilda and south melbourne beach?
sister a: is it easy to get there?
me: yeh its like take a tram sit on it and wait till ur there
sister a:..o ok..cool.. i want to see the sea [and walks off]
sister b: whispers to me* she wants to see the sea?!..and then follows the other sister and goes.." are u gonna SUICIDE?! "
what an unexpected day..
today i went to thys house..then her dad wakes up comes down and then goes to me.." trinh u MUST ALWAYS COME HERE OK?! " im sitting freaking out..but smiling going..yeh o-k..? and hes like DO U KNOW WHY? and im like no? and hes like..cos thys room will be CLEAN! she only cleans it when u come over..xD..
gave her my top so she can fix it
took her brother to school went to sexy land and treasure..something ..shopped around for gu's birthday pressie..ending up buying her a X book instead of a cake..HOPE SHE LIKES IT
drove to her house gave the gift drove to v's house...had the biggest surprising discussion.. our friend has decided to go to japan..BY HERSELF ..with no plans whatsoever..booked herself at a hotel thats apparently opening TODAY? missed her flight last night cos she didnt check in on time... paid 600+ maybe hundred extra to rebook the ticket..and purely has no plans for the 21 days shes gonna be there..we were all thinking negative cos shes a VERY lost person..but hope shell pull through ok and enjoys her time..fingers crossed
(the conversation we had was very heated and dramatic cos theres much more to that ..just too tired to display it thru blogging..xD)
so went home..sonny is a FREAK! thy loves him anyways
i told dad about our friend..dad knows her cos were family friends with their family...he honestly believes v is exaggerating and lying..cos he said theres no way in the world shes that "dumb" she knows what shes doing..and as if shes going by herself shes probably hiding it from v...i know her mum and dad..theyll never let her do silly things shes really smart ..dont listen to v shes just lying to you ..so we had this heated conversation ..ending up as believe in whatever you want..dad still believes its v's fault for suggesting to go to japan in the first place and etc..pft whatever..he always thinks hes RIGHT ..what does he know.. but then it hit me..like i dont know these two people really well.. i mean..whos right and whos wrong? sounds absurd but..yehh what if one person is adding salt and pepper making a small issue into a LARGE ONE..
dad thinks our friend is travelling with her other friends that v doesnt know about ..or she probably did plan everything and just didnt want to tell v...like what would v know..? and im like..but THEYRE BEST friends?! and hes like..well who said u cant hide anything from ur best friend? ..and hes right? like thy is my best friend but i dont sleep eat drink walk shit with her..im notthere with her at every single second of her life.. we say we know each other very well..we spend a lot of time and understand each other more than anyone else...but we still dont know EVERYTHING..its IMPOSSIBLE to know everything ..and there you go.. ur missing links your cracks and loopholes..we seem to always side with that one sided story and usually dont really know whats going on.. we jump to conclusions and assume the worst..
how do we know that the person telling the story is telling the honest truth? and nothing but the truth? how do we know that the person telling the story knows every detail and assumes to know the beggining and the end of the story..how do we know that there arent any missing links and cracks between the story lines? ...we dont
we just get so excited, so hyped up and get sucked into the story like a kid playing a video game that we dont sit and think.. well i dont anyways..and this usually happens until i hear a different side to the story then i go..hmmm like now == .. i seem to just trust the people around me..assume that theyre always telling the truth ..like why would they lie to me?..but they can be, they could be lying since the very beginning?..but tis is life =] an amazing interesting neverending maze which will sometimes give u a deadend as well as unexpected surprises.. =]
todays last note..
we got into trouble by dad cos we eat 3 slices of bread for lunch at school instead of AT LEAST 4.. == ITS NOT ENOUGH FOOD FOR UR BRAIN BLAH BLAH BLAH
another note to add:
life is gonna change A LOT from today for someone .. this could be the tangent of a positve linear graph and continue to increase or the peak and may decline into a pitiful pitfall..
growing up..breathes out.. i think im at the pitfall already.. haha
o yes..i feel sorry for the old man that crashed into the p plater..or it could be the other way round..poo he doesnt need that right now..hes OLD
AND my yabby in my no water pond..IS STILL ALIVE?! how did it survive SUMMER and how is it surviving through the cold winter NIGHTS?! HIBERNATION?
Thursday, June 25, 2009
so now its over..what now?
as i go into the exam room i was called out cos i had a pencil..biggest wth..cos usually they dont do that..thought it was just me being targetted but no it was everyone...a guy got told off really bad for bringing a calculator in when he wasnt allowed to so i go out half an hr early cos i just couldnt do anymore and sitting there looking at two blank booklets was killing me..i go out ..patrick was there waiting for me ..he asked why brians coming and if thy was in the exam and..DUH she was ..waited for thy and brian..patrick dropped his cd player which broke his earphones..200 dollars gone !!..FOR NOTHING..they say its good quality..but its same shit all and ur ears cant really tell..but psychologically in ur mind u believe theyre worth it..so U GO AND BYE THEM
brian comes... went looking for thys bag decided to scare her..but in the end didnt cos we were scared shes gonna shit in her pants..brian made her cupcakes how cute =] and he came to surprise her THUMBS UP..thy came out saw jen john linda nick went to lygon to eat..the next bit is the biggest WTF...
so were walking past all these school kids..most likely primary..and APPARENTLy this one cocky white little boy went to his friends (girls and boys) hey check this out and came towards us a bit and started mocking us by making gibberish asian noises...now everyone ..thats me thy and brian either did not hear or heard and out of nowhere u hear patrick swear at him with anger..we were all WTH? and stuff and soon me and thy realised what was going on..brian is still the lost goose..but we kept walking patrick on the other hand..he was filled with anger and hatred towards this little boy he asked DO U WANT ME TO BASH HIM?! I WILL..and before we all could say anything cos we thought he was joking..i mean if you know patrick..hes not like that..he turned back and was gonna bash the kid with a passion..I had to hold him back whilst telling him to not do it..at that time..he was the HULK? pure insaness..thy and brian stood there n ..somehow he listened and stopped himself from overeacting.. he said he needed to teach the kid a lesson? cos hes small and needs to put in place for disrespecting elders? .. like ok the kid was a jerk and yes one day he will get bashed for being a mindless effhead cos hes asking for it.. but PATRICK here honestly thinks he can go up to the kid punch him in the face and just get away with it...i dont understand how punching him would help..first of all BY BEING OFFENDED the kid has already won ..hes intentions were to mock us asians and we got offended..yay on his side..but to PUNCH him...? HES A KID FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.. parents cant even SMACK their kids let alone strangers punching up kids cos they made gibberish noises and said nasty things.. what were u THINKING? do u think its cool? like would u honestly feel pure satisfaction from hurting that kid? ..yes maybe hell get a few broken bones..maybe hell get a bruised purple face..but in the end itll all heal? MAYBE..just MAYBE hell learn from it and not do it ever again but if a kid is like that to begin with what are the chances that he will change? hell just do it again cos he knows it does have an impact ..and most likely hell grow up to hate asians even more and go cause more trouble to not only everyone but himself.. how HARD was it to just walk away?
by walking away ..what HAS HE ACCOMPLISHED?...if noone reacted to what he said ..if nobody cared ..by walking away he gets nothing in the end..i mean he might think he has but that is still better than a heated cursing conversation with a stranger or have battle scars? and look even TOUGHER infront of his friends?.. like just imagine the whole thing..this REALLY BIG ASIAN GUY hitting a little kid? i mean how low can u go? its ridiculous to be so worked up by a small thing..thy and brian both understand where patrick is coming from..i clearly dont..i know he deserves to be "punished" but not by being beaten up..theres no moral right in that pysically abuse in return for verbal abuse?..maybe im just trying to be the good samaritan ..but yeh i believe in what i said.. that was just insanity..so immature
i think ill leave it at that..so disappointed..so ashamed of you ..thats another seed for u f'ing dickweed
n yes thy and brian are total useless doodles if there was a punch on or friends starting trouble..xD
we went to papa gino's..thy ordered a large focccia thing..it was the wrong dish to what we saw ppl eating..wasnt worth the price..just like..garlic bread without the butter in the centre of the bread?? ..yeh ..umm pat ordeded meat lovers pizza..it was yummmmm
we went to chinatown so i could buy my sisters her things.. bought a pig origami thing and two necklaces.. umm watched spray painting art...AWESOME stuff
went home
ps sorry for my inappropriate language..filled with anger
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
what i can remember
..dont know what for..but yes all i did, all day was sit at my desk read and memorise..USELES THINGS..and i was too stressed to blog..now i wish that i did cos..i swear i said i was gonna write something in my blog ..now its poof' gone..TT
written on the 24/6/09
its all in my head
mmmm i recently discovered that i might be a lesbionic psycho for real?! LOL
im always seeing things in the wrong perspective..i dont know what it is.. it has happened before ..in year 12..cept my curious mind led me to the wrong answer..
yess..maybe its exactly what you told me JEALOUSY? rofl ..yes i am jealous of u and the queen...xD or is it like the other thing u said.. I AM IN LOVE WITH THE QUEEN?! and im jealous that she loves u more....?! that u guys get sexual lesbionic activities and i recieve ODD LOVE by being called a faggot and be hit every now and then.. =O rofl
i think the exams has gotten into me..the confusion and the stress and i just want to focus on something else....LOL im hilarious n i think i just want some drama ..love action drama that is..cos i get none with fatshit..this mini love triangle..is exciting..LOL xD...
GASPS i just found out THEY HAVE SEX NAMES?! TT ...hahaha
dedicated to the queen
i know youll feel high and mighty and really loved when u read this =) ....tis is ur first love triangle..HAPPY? xD
dedicated to the fantastic four
even with this little problem that i have created by myself in my stupid little head.. i love " the fantatic four " ..each one of us is unique in our own little way..theres the queen the fatshit me and the thigh ..i dont know ur nickname xD so i made up "the thigh"
ps:..with everything i wrote in this blog...if offended then U should not take it to heart..this is supposed to make u realise how i feel..and in return actually feel..LOVED ..this is a rare situation
bahahah love it
what a rush
had a quick shower
gor dressed..
carried greeen waste boxes to the front yard [my workout for the day = =]
quickly RUSHLY did my hair ..so now i dont know what i look like cos my hair is wavy and not straight and not straightening properly its probably semi wavy and hence i might look like jackie chan when he had long hair = = ..umm decided to play final fantasy 4 on ds again..- - not start over but try to defeat this gay monster....so in order to do that i need to level up my characters ..which is boring TT
did not have breakfast
in engspace blogging..jens gonna come later =]
is hungry
colin says hi to u thy
lol theres a guy sitting across the room from me ..when i first glanced up to look at him he was boucing up and down to i guess the music hes listening to cos he has headphones on..LOL the bouncing was really enthusiastic..i think i was smiling and i THINK I GOT CAUGHT staring at him ..how embarassing on both sides..xD
Sunday, June 21, 2009
everyone was outside doing the garden xD
in the arvo dad gave my bro a haircut
i gave dad a haircut..yeh im not a hairdresser nor do i know anything about hair..LOL so when i cut dads hair..its..intersting xD
talked to dad about " the big thing " - cos someone is on their way to success so now im inspired ..must first find a nice " big thing " and then persuade dad! YES ..but after talking to someone..i dont know anymore..too complicated TT ..we'lll see
did NO study at night TT

THIS SO SO COOL..SO WILL BE MY FUTURE BED!! ..i know its not the best..but im in love with it =) dont know why..just pure awesomeness haha ..and THEN i cam across all these awesome furniture designs..like this!

and THIS!

i think this is preety snazzy stuff ..but wont be in my future house too tacky xD
and now i saw shawn lovel's site..the bed is 15K ..great..byebye awesome bed
supposed to be sunny saturday
and then..
went back to my movie and calmed down.. the queen said it was a good movie..and IT IS i loved it..like not the best in the world but i love love love it =] it made me think a lot too about relationships.. how happy how unhappy how complicated how lovely they can be ...i find it really
sad that there are some couples out there whove known, love each other, get married for such a long time and out of the blue mr romeo or miss juliet comes along and it changes everything... and the only happily ever after in that is from moving on..but yeh CAN u really love someone and be with them every single day of your life.. like wouldnt u get bord and sick of it? doing the same thing everyday? sleep eat work sleep eat and work.. i think its really interesting..like
you get the occasional holiday ..but then u have to come back to reality work so u can pay off bills and whatnot..hmm..ill just have to find out myself =] they say the time spand for two ppl being attracted to each other is two years..interesting huh? i think those lovey dovey old ppl KICK ASS! haha i wish to be like them =] happily together forever and ever babe
and yeh..forecast was like a sunny day/wind
...WHERE WAS THE FREAKING SUN..looked like it was going to rain all day
craving nachos w dip n cheeese..heaps of cheeeeeeese
this is badd..this is very bad..im eating junk from chips to my cooking choc melts cos my other chocolates are finished.. ! this is VERY BAD INDEED i NEVER EAT JUNK AT NIGHT TT
Saturday, June 20, 2009
2: ate pho for breakfast
3: studied
4: ate dinner
now im here..nothing to write about cept for the fact that when i cut blood oranges my tongue gets nervous and it goes all tingly..
what a boring day
o yes.. I LOVE FISH TOFU..
sad that i cant find a good fish tofu picture
Friday, June 19, 2009
world's weirdest and most wonderful hotels

haha i would like to stay in one of these..especially the beach resort..YES PLEASE!!
the beagle inn is so cool haha ticks for architectural design xD..being in the "sweet willy" would be interesting..

ive been eating oranges every single day since..for a very long time. when i was younger dadll cut them for us and we were forced to eat it..an orange a day after dinner now that im older i cut the oranges for myself and siblings..today when i went to get my oranges from the laudry room..[yes we keep them in the laundry room] they were petite.
at first i thought they were just little cute deformed oranges..but when i slid my knife through the middle and watch the two halves fall...THEY WERE BLOOD ORANGES..I HATE BLOOD ORANGES ..they are SOUR..like so SOUR i still have that zing taste even tho i brushed my teeth! ..ergh ..some ppl really really like the sour taste..like my family friend nick..who loves eating lemons..and now my brother does so too..
i like sour lollies..? no actually i dont ..i just eat it for the thrill and
the scrunched up face look..LOL
mmm aint nothing like good asian 2 minute noodoos when theres nothing else and ur starving
1: woke up at 8ish..went to do THE GARDEN till 1230ish..
2: sewed sonny's leash..= = he ate the leather handle thing..so yeh idiot
3: watched masterchef
4: beautiful sunny day with cool breeze
5: MUST FOCUS eat quick cook rice and STUDY
6: hope u did good on ur exam fatshit
7: hope ULL do good tomorrow queen
8: thy u better be studying
9: found out that the faggot that rejected me could be my sister's friend's bro..but he could just have the same name..what a freaking small city i live in
Thursday, June 18, 2009
greg crowther has many more awesome songs..BEST WAY TO STUDY i reckon xD
Glucose, Glucose
This parody (written by Greg Crowther) is sung to the tune of Sugar, Sugar (written by Jeff Barry and Andy Kim and performed by The Archies).
Glucose -- ah, sugar sugar --
You are my favorite fuel
From the blood-borne substrate pool.
Glucose -- monosaccharide sugar --
You're sweeter than a woman's kiss
'Cause I need you for glycolysis.
I just can't believe the way my muscles take you in.
(For you, they'll open the door.)
All it takes is a little bit of insulin
(To upregulate GLUT4).
Ah, glucose -- ah, sugar sugar --
You help me make ATP
When my predators are chasing me.
Ah, glucose -- you're an aldehyde sugar,
And you're sweeter than a woman's kiss
'Cause I need you for glycolysis.
I just can't believe the way my muscles break you down.
(My glycogen is almost gone.)
A few more seconds and I'll be rigor mortis-bound.
(Acidosis done me wrong.)
Your sweet is turning sour, baby.
I'm losing all my power, baby.
I'm gonna make your muscles ache.
No, no, no!
I'm swimming in lactate, baby.
Yes, I'm swimming in lactate, baby.
Now I'm drowning in lactate, baby.
I'm gonna make your muscles ache.
No, no, no!
I'm drowning in lactate, baby.
Ah, glucose -- ah, sugar sugar --
I used you up and you left me flat;
Now I'll have to get my kicks from fat.
Oh, glucose, glucose, sugar, sugar,
The honeymoon is over now.
just hilarious
Teenager to sue over 56-star facial tattoo

i like em' naked
today me and her were on the bus talking and I dont know how it came up but i think i said something a long the lines of.."asian parents really like naked ladies.."
as in..they always have naked women calenders and posters and whatnot hanging everywhere and their wife wouldnt mind.. the discussion b/w me and thy and our childhood experience with
..rofl well now i know its not just my side of the family but thys family as well..xD i recall seeing naked ladies pictures hanging on the wall as a kid..but i didnt mind it cos i was just a kid ..i didnt know anything..now thinking back..its really wth LOL i cant even watch couples kissing in a commercial infront of my parents let alone see them NAKED haha..
i remember one day we were watching old videos that were recorded for special occasions and in one vid i think dad was showing off our house to our relos or something...when he went into our room to talk about it..there u see..this big ass woodedn portrait of a blonde kneeling on the floor
with just a blue gstring on.. just beautiful..
2: at uni drinking toffee coffee ice blended bubblecup with thy
3: gotta write a letter for dad..shall do so now
4: bludge
5: argh i feel so rejected..sif reject my friendship
6: found out that sonny probably ran into some bushes or thorns and made a hole in his face..well not a hole..but he now has a small punch hole size bald patch under his eye..he looks like he has a beauty spot there..so ugly loll...it better heals = = that brat..
7: went home only to see that sonny had chewed up a cardboard box..MESS EVERYWHERE
8: ..wanted to stay home tomorrow..but dad just cut two trees..and theres two mountains of leaves branches twigs thorns flowers..bits and pieces here and there....not too sure if i want to stay home anymore..im a sad cat NOW
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

..i wish i was this creative with my food..now i want a BENTO BOX! ..yoyogi fatshit?
boring tuesday
2: bought stuff from coles and bought sonny a toy..he destroyed it within minutes
3: cut fish food
4: now sitting here procastinating and finding something interesting to post
5: went to the shoe gallery..saw these really nice boots..but they were ruby red..now im not a big fan of screaming shoes ...but i REALLY LIKE THE STYLE OF THE BOOTS and they dont come in any other colour..poop
6: mr anonymous still hasnt added me..maybe its the wrong person..oO how embarassing
7: i effing need headphones..cos my freakings ears are retarded and i cant use earphones THEY KEEP FALLING OUT..i really hate my ears..so ugly..infact..ears are ugly in general..so not a sexy part of the body..LOL but mine are particularly ugly xD..stupid unfixed earlobes
8: dont know why or how it got there..but i think theres a bruise on my head and my hair seems to be pulling it so it HURTS...
9: craving..JACKFRUIT APPLE CUSTARD AND PEARS..good quality crunchy sweet pears..adam is growing a jackfruit tree..he planted 5 if they all grow..he said hell give me one..yesssssss xD mmm yum jackfruit..
10: i miss the smell of my old art class in primary school..i cant describe the smell..but i love it..haha
11: i want a jumper TT ...MANY knit jumpers
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
i LOVELOVELOVE stop motion
how freaking awesome is this!
but i think this one tops it all!! just..." GROUSE "
but SO STUPID...hope i did enough to pass...its not looking too good atm tho TT
mmm went to uni to study..just made myself stress and forgot everything...ate sushi for lunch..thy DID NOT STUDY ..HAPPY BIRTHDAY QUEEN LOTS OF LOVE YOURE NO LONGER A TEENAGER.. read thys facebook post..now i needa shit too..feels like bludging BUT MUST STUDY biochem..a hell a lot of work..found out why u can see nipples under tops..ROFL..umm.. must find out who that guy in my class is =]
too sad to blog
forgot what to blog..THY what did we talk about today that i said i must blog?? TT
-added mr anonymous in my class on facebook
Monday, June 15, 2009
when he was feeling green ..
" ...nothing like kinky sms's
if u read my messages... omg
ud get green just glancing
its potent stuff
enough to make girls blush and wet themselves
with excitement)
via msn..
note: not fatpat xD
her sms..
one of my students spilt raspberry drink on my uni thing its only one page but now i don't want to study cos its empty and not cool. i kicked him out of class cos of it LOL tell pat dw bout tickets cos i can get it cheaper
..[ the rest seems gibberish to me..i think all the anger from her missing page has made her gone nuts.. rofl ]
...i think i have to in home n reprint the said. I just can't study like this.not happy
i can imagine her expression and how she feels when this all happened.. made my day xx
2: strange maltese music is playing outloud in our neighbourhood..haha i love it..reminds me of those olden country happy dappy neighborhoods where u can go down the road knock on someones door and borrow sugar and they wont go wtf..
3: REALLY loves the national geographic site
5: wish i have swine flu so i cant get special consideration TT
6: WOKE THE FATSHIT up so he can go online and talk to me..he answers yes yes mmk ok go online? ok.....maybe HALF AN HR LATER still no sign of the faggot..called again..a few minutes later...
pp says:
ahh poo poo
pp says:
i didnt know what happened
pp says:
pressed the laptop to turn it on
pp says:
then i mustve fell asleep
7: not a big fan of apple juice..but since i havent had it in AGES...im drinking it now and its awesome..daily juice ..chilled.. YUM! more PLEASE
my photo of the day
Sunday, June 14, 2009
bludgey saturday
2: bummed for 4hrs
3: got a haircut..nothing different same style to how i always cut it previously.. cant have a fringe i look like a boy TT..new hairstylist lady
took a long time cutting my hair with extra care
4: naked mandarin is wierd..fatshit the other day peeled a mandarin for me ..and took off all the white hairs..eating it was a really WRONG experience haha
it needs its hairs xD
5: bro did the mhs test
6: sunshine railway station is turning into a small indian plaza
7: must buy dove's new hair heat defence thing
8: ate pho for dinner
9: dad blamed mum for drinking all his diarrhea tablets [ she didnt even touch them ] went docs to get some more..hates waiting for doctors
Saturday, June 13, 2009
just GROSS
1: I DIDNT KNOW there are offpeak and peak tickets for public transport! offpeak zone 1+2 = 5 bucks, peak zone 1+2 = 5.60 bucks..wowee
2: on the cranbourne train to springvale..im not being racist or anything but there was THIS INDIAN that was sitting on the opposite aisle across from me..AND HE WAS BURPING NONSTOP ..like im not those ppl that get totally grossed out if u burp out loud once like after a meal or something..but this guy man..IT WAS BURPING OUT LOUD EVERY 5-10 MINUTES FROM FLINDERS TO HUNTINGDALE..i mean wtf? im sorry and im not trying to be rude or anything for he might have some burping disorder but THE LEAST he can do is COVER HIS MOUTH ergh disgusting people...felt like puking all the way
3: walked past a house and saw a cute but ugly dog guarding the window sill and barking ..wish sonny can do that
4: tasted some FREAKING AWESOME FLAVOURED PRINGLES.. screamin' DILL PICKLE tastes just like maccas pickles..i am a pickle fan =] and kickin' cheddar flavoured pringles ...how come we cant have awesome flavours like that..we are so gay [the pringles are from canada]
5: gotta study
6: SaraLees Irish Cream is Orgasmic, thats all i wanted him to write for me he added the rest .. and Patrick is the coolest bf EVA, hes like, so damn cool you couldnt believe it. Hes soooo snazzy, like wowee snazzy, and hes simply delicious. I love him so much, like, omg hes so cool. yer...patricks COOL :) BUAHHAHAHAAH
.. what a retard
7:PATRICK FARTS LOUD AND ITS DEADLY..farout i thought it was the door creaking when he went to his room from the lounge room NO IT WAS HIS FART
me: wth is wrong with U ..u keep farting!?
fatshit: well i NEED TO ALRIGHT? u may fart silently BUT I FART LOUD OK? OK! some ppl..
8: recieved 150 frm fatpat..saved 200, 55 in possession
9: ate a hotdog: classic hotdog with onions and cheese at walker's doughnuts..it was O K..not the best..5bucks for a hotdog..for some odd reason
i thought that was reasonable till fatshit told me it was expensive and theyre usually like 3 max ...yeh ok they were spensive ==
10: walked fatshit to work at crown.. departed at escalators ..decided to follow him went into the arcades..only to see him EXCHANGING MONEY TO PLAY GAMES
sif going to work ..lost in street fighter anyways pft
11: had a happy dinner..fish roll things..dad talked about vn highschool and their exams..hilarious stuff
12: phang no.2 bought a new car : station wagon ..best way to pick up chics rofl .. from a rice honda to a suburu station wagon..beautiful xD
13: i want her beanie =]
Friday, June 12, 2009
LOL..i knew it
what doing now..i cant study TT
Green Thy..imperially screwed says:
i have this cute site for you
Green Thy..imperially screwed says:
give me a sex

Alberto Cerriteno's artwork is really simple yet it has this really awesome abstract wow factor about it...i really fancy this cute artwork on the laptop I SO WANT IT xD
the phang's residence

OMG I HATE TREES..decided to stay home today to study..BUT NOOO i had to go help dad cut trees and pick up leaves and tell dad where to cut so the tree is CIRCULAR FAROUT waste of time! ARGh should of gone to uni..SHOULD OF WENT SHOPPING WITH JEN N THY ..!
i just finished from cleaning up well its not clean but good enough for now..its 230pm..i started at 9AM ZOMG ...now im eating and watching masterchef..
what a waste of HALF A DAY!
just cooked rice..FREEZING COLD WATER i never know how much water to add ==
the queens request:
someones comment or status thing on facebook was like BRITNEY CONCERT YAY and immediately i thought britney? a concert? the queen must know about this..infact she probably even planned her day at the concert already..
atm im really blank so the queens request cant be fulfilled.. HOPEFULLY her day today was A O K so when shes at home reading this shes in a good mood and just call me a faggot or say something vulgar about my face or something..i rather that than her being sad or mad ...
gotta go study..must stay up late tonight to make up for TODAY ..ergh
hope T JEN PAT did ok today too!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
silly wednesday
In the morning..omg woke up up at 6 kept snoozing and was very annoyed but couldn’t get out of bed..wayyy too cold ..just lied there thinking about the exam thinking i should revise..itd be good if i revise..but nahh
2: got out at 630 washed my hair ate breakfast..fried rice..yuck and revised for a bit, changed, dried my hair, started the car waited for dad to get into the car..MADE it to the station ..if i was one minute late i would of been late to the exam got off at north melbourne walked up the ramp to the bus..and out of nowhere it started to HAIL ! arrived at uni had to quickly return the book i borrow but never read.. then QUICKLY walk to the Melbourne museum..gahh
3: bro just told me grapes can kill dogs..oO i always feed sonny a grape or two.. oops
4:on the way to the museum ..a HUGE ASS DOG was locked in front of someone’s small apartment..scared the shit out of me..started to RAIN SOME MORE AND MORE..definition i found for..UMBRELLA: “a round collapsible canopy of plastic or waterproof material on a frame at the top of a handle, held in the hand to protect somebody from rain, snow, or sun..well what i have and use when it rains is clearly NOT AN UMBRELLA i was soaking wet anyways TT shoes socks my jeans soaked up as much water as it could..= = not comfortable at all..the definition should be altered to “..... to protect your HEAD from rain, snow or sun”
...in some asian countries rain is considered to be goodluck..so when you have a wedding or special occasion or something and it rains then its really good sign..i don’t know about that but i felt the least LUCKIEST person being under the rain and what LUCK? I failed my exam anyways im so SO SO gay..TT bs the wrong thing..i gave a very complicated bs answer when it just needs a simple logical answer..TT and the asian guy across from me..ur either a really really smart genius or a really dumb nut U LEFT at 1030 the exam started at 930?! Its meant to finish at 1230! ...o YES i think someone got caught for cheating! Cos i saw those supervisor lady linking arms with this guy and took him somewhere and they came from the toilets! ..yes i probably word it wrong and its sounds like something else..but yess haha shifty ..she seemed really happy and he was smiling too..but i still think he got caught out cos she was dragging him..xD
5: when i went out of the exam was half expecting the fatshit to be sitting somewhere with food but no he wasn’t..instead he called me at 850 to wish me luck and went back to sleep..i guess the thought counts..
6: walked back to uni with my umbrella opened even tho it was SUNNY....how crazy is the weather lately?..but yes i had my umbrella opened cos i wanted to dry my umbrella..the lady that walked past me..either just ate a sour lolly, or lemon cos she full on glared and stared at me..wth? ..pms xD WHICH REMINDS me of the day.. me thy pat jen and john were walking to lygon..and there was this chic that walked past us with her friends..and she looked like she came out of the ring movie..just dressed more nicely..HER EYES BULDGED OUT AND SHE STARED AT ME and did not blink or look away until i was clearly out of her sight..one word..FREAK
7: thy and Andrew.S was studing in the engspace .. they were studying..chemistry..winks LOL tried to make thy study thru other methods besides just sitting and staring at her work..didn’t work well at all..cos she refused to not look at her papers...- - but i wrote down this question which made them both realise they don’t know it well at all ..! if i DIDNT write down the question to test thy she would of sat there and stared at it and assume she knows all..likewise with Andrew..i think they both owe me chocolate..MUAHAHa lol xD ..but in all honesty they were studying somewhat productively it was good =] ..lol..there was this Ph group thing that was attached to most of the structures they were learning when i first arrived there and sat down with them.. they wikied it and verified the real structure and its name..PHENOL..ud assume theyd know what this Ph was from there on ..so when andrew was explaining a concept to thy and he drew Ph and he said yeh and i don’t know what that is and giggled ..thy giggled and was like yeh phosphorous? ..im sitting there very confused thinking..wth isn’t it phenol? So i go Phenol? And they both gooo AHHH THATS RIGHT yeh PHENOL.. LOL..some people...haha biggest WTH..and theyre exam is TOMORROW goodluck you two =]
8: whilst i was sitting there doing nothing at all..rofl i saw these 3 asians most likely internationals..and it made me realised that when asians play a game on the computer..even if its the most simplest game on earth like collecting apples when it falls down from the sky..if they lose..they JUMP LAUGH AND SCREAM as tho they won the lottery or something..so these 3 guys were sitting and taking turns trying to pass the level and it was some shooting game like for little kids..i don’t know couldn’t see clearly..but everytime a guy lost..hed JUMP out of his seat as though he was electrocuted HIT the keyboard as tho it was its fault for not walking properly scream out gibberish really loud and laugh..and for some odd reason his friends would do the same ..its like they all got shot at the same time..it happens all in unison.. and same goes for toys vending machines..some ppl will give u the most classical expression when they lose like hitting themselves against the machine and slide down to the ground while making this whining disappointment sound ..just like in anime.. its really interesting to watch LOL
9: o yes when i went to the toilet opened the door and there was this asian chic that was just standing there..i got scared and had a fright..and did a little jump..which made her scared and she did the same..we both said sorry.. lol mm ye hi always seem to say sorry when its not my fault..like if someone bumped into me while we were both walking ID say sorry.. yeh im gay
10: umm apparently that dodgy looking menu with horrible photography spicy noodle restaurant is good..like really good must not chicken out and try it with thy
11: fatshit lost 170$ credit
12: my sister did her unit 3 chem exam today..is VERY DEPRESED about studying ..i don’t know how to motivate her to keep going..she thinks its the end of the world and theres no point in studying..mann if only IF ONLY she knew uni is 10times worse..so regret not studying hard in highschool..could of aced it..well could of gotten myself a higher score
13: wants: to be a principAL..they do JACK i reckon and they get heaps of moneys!
14: go into teaching is a must
15: shoulder blade is sore from typing
16: ate a mandarin and banana for lunch..thy apparently bought me a slice of pizza.she ate it ofcourse..cos i didn’t want to..but i knew it was for herself from the start..LOL
17: was grammatically corrected by the QUEEN..i mean who else would..noone really knows this account exist
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
2: someone set the alarm to 6AM and didnt turn it off..freaking woke up at 710 officially
3: studied..semi productively at uni..i think im over it..too much tooo tired cbf
4: thy pooped the exam
5: ate sushi with fatpat..had my first taste of those triangle rice things..mm not that great..thinks salmon rolls things..just tastes like advacodo the spicy tuna thing
was alright..prol try and make it at home one day..add CAPSICUM..i love capsicum
6: saw ly and khoa today
7: didn't realised outside was freaking RAINING and WINDY and COLD so when jenn told me she was stuck outside johns house for 15mins and was PISSED i just laughed it off
...but soon i realised when i was outside carrying books and bread and an umbrella and my bag..its not cool at all...>=[ hates being outside in winter..the
weather is so effed anyways rains a bit then u see the SUN COME OUT..why cant it just rain heaps all at once gahh
8: shit exam tommorrow fail..TT
9: red friend said goodbye
10: on the train..lol saw this tb fob that kept asking everyone to use their phone to call his mum to pick him up..no one gave him their phone..LOL until mr nice guy came on
and when the fob asked he let him use his phone.. are ppl really that stingy these days..or what? i know i am..xD but he didnt ask me otherwise i would of let him use my phone..
11: COLDCOLDCOLD must study
12: wants a raspberry punch
13: disappointed that overheard in the mx isnt funny
14: colin just bought a saratoga..which reminds me of mine which is still..in the freezer TT hes really worried about his silvia..apparently its a guy saratoga ..cute xD must be a gay one just like him haha
15: LUCAS WON THE CELEBRITY CHEF CHALLENGE today zomggg..so thought he wasnt going to i was WRONG AGAIN ...julia and lucas in the finals WOO ..and justine gave this postion to lucas as well..i wonder if she took the challenge again would she have won and be in lucas position now?..xD tis life
16: milkshake craaaave...nippys
17: GIVE ME ENERGY mmmm lets test to see if milo does what it says.. haha...ok i guess it woke me up for a bit..cos it was freezing cold..LOL ..but after a minute or two just made me want to get into bed asap..clearly does not work..but i think ill do this experiment again..xD
18: ovalTEENIES haha spent proll 5 minutes searching that name..! I LOVE THEM YUMYUMYUM must go find some =D
green monday
2: sonny got stuck in some rocks
3: FORGOT to sign up for australian open AGAIN TT gonna miss out AGAIN
4: instead of studying all day..i was CUTTING TREES holding up the ladder so dad could cut trees picking up leaves and putting it into cardboard boxes..ergh why are they collecting greenwaste NOW
5: while running to the shed to get the saw for dad to cut trees..sonny out of nowhere headbutted my leg made me fall over and slide across the grass he then started attacking me..well in the dog world it would be playing.this freaking 30kg dog jumpeing and stepping all over me WILL NOT GET OFF effing hell urgh....zomg and my BRO was standing there LAUGHING.. ! but yess ONCE i got up i started cracking up as well then i bashed sonny..=]
6: masterchef!! i so want to make that..THING looks YUMMO ...TOM IS OUT!
7: found out at dinner today that dad WAS a gangster..well wannabe gangster anyways i reckon..rofl ..from mum
8:....mm clueless =]
9: just remembered... libra pad facts lining thing:
- embryos of tiger sharks fight each other while in their mother's womb, the survivor being the baby shark that is born
- a fear of dying laughing is called cherophobia
- a bap is a hamburger in england
10: was talking, is talking to my bff and she is stressing me wayyy out of my mind..exams start tomorrow hers is tomorrow mine weds.. she is screwed..yup..and i am too...but maybe not as bad as her.. what i wanted to remind myself here is ..not to study..cos when i tell myself to study i dont..and how strange it is for ppl like me and my bff ..to not do a single thing to change and always jumping in the deepend of the swimming pool when u cant swim.. and one more thing..how hard it is to ask for help when youre in need
Monday, June 8, 2009
cranky sunday
2: today is COLD
3: my trust for sonny is lost...i left him alone and he dug himself a MINIHOLE >=/
4: cleaned under sonnys kennel..rat infested enviroment..soooo gross
5: dad got grumpy at mum: we fry, deep fry cook smelly things outside..theres a little stove inside a cardboard box..dad saw it today ..there was oil everywhere-dripping from the sides all over the bottom on the walls on the doors...i admit it was disgusting but what do u expect when ur frying fish or something and oil pops and splatters everywhere..hence we cook outside.. he made it sound like the world is gonna end and that were grots cos we live dirty ..jees i see him do nothing to help clean the house..some ppl
6: watching up in da club, wongfu productions
7: ROAST CHICKEN, CHICKEN flavoured shapes, chicken in a biskit..dont know the difference BUT THEYRE YUMMMM EATING some now ..its orgasmic..LOL
8: adam sent me an AMAZING youtube link ..of Isao Machii...japs are crazy
9: watched masterchef..what a SHOCKER so thought chris and poh were gonna ace it..bottom pair harharhar i want chris out
10: saw the trailer to year one..when it finished my sis and bro said in unison one year..HAHAHA i was sitting there going HAHAHA.. whats so funny they were like..year one? u know..year one..and im like year one what? what?? YEAR ONE the name of the movie? whats so funny? i dont get it.. omg..like the first year? ur idiot.. me: oooOh ROFL ..haha
10: pat sent me a link..of a dalmation riding a bike..at first i thought it was awesome..then my sis had to add..imagine what it went thru just to learn that..its animal cruelty..so true..ASIANS TT i think theyre jap..once again japs are crazeeee..
11: studying
to the queen: im sorry i didnt sms u back cos im saving cred cos its nearly running out and i don want to buy more..LOL yes i am that cheap not to spare 25c to sms u back.. i shall shout u something worth 50c so i can make it up to u..LOL but good work on not bringing lunch arent there shops? u can go buy something small? and how did u forget?! dont u plan everything ..? XD but i had this duck noodle soup thing its goood but not too much of it otherwise ull get sick of it..yeh LOVE U xx
Sunday, June 7, 2009
gloomy saturday
2: mum made me walk sonny to the milkbar to buy pads..didnt have to in the end cos my aunt took me
3: my cousin came over.. it was really awkward we didn’t talk much cos I didn’t know what to say..gay on my part..i sat and changed my blogspot settings and layout..shall fix more of it after exams ..my cousin sat there smiling and laughing to herself making odd noises..she told me that she has problems breathing in her house cos of the heating system and she can’t sleep....overall an awkward half an hour ..i feel really bad for not conversing with her but i was ..i am really blank today
4: i see an Indian snooping around door knocking possibly ..MOST likely telling people how to save money on either their gas or electricity bills..
5: waiting and hoping he doesn’t come here
6: lost and found my quarter leggings
7: i have a unique friend who always ALWAYS..manage to surprise me and put me in awe with the things she says, the way she is feeling, the things she is thinking of ..and the things she has planned and will plan..today the first thing she said to me was that she really loves her family..like REALLY LOVES HER FAMILY
8: ate these really nice asian trangle rice things...with coconut and mungbean like filling..YUM don’t know what it is called..must find out
9: what fatpat told me today
pp says:
lost 3 kilos
pp says:
nah it was so fat
pp says:
my butt hurts
pp says:
it all cames out
pp says:
and it was this huge sausage...
10: im surprised that i was surprised when i found out that snails have teeth from my libra pad paper thing..theyre reallly interesting to read btw...im surprised because i should know this..im a bilogy student and studied it! TT shame on me
11: watched mr squiggle..and is really confused and amazed.. how does he work? ..i dont understand how he can draw..SOMEONE IS HOLDING HIS HAT YEH? and is controlling his HEAD YEH?..maybe
12: when dad went to feed sonny today he didnt want to come out of his kennel..this is because he knew he was gonna get into trouble bcos he dragged the mini bucket bin into his kennel and you can guess what happened.. usually hell just leave the bin but i dont know what happened today.. u can also guess dads reaction ..so now im contemplating ONCE AGAIN whethere sonny shld stay or go TT
Saturday, June 6, 2009
up and down friday
2: woke thy up ..I SO knew she was in bed
3: found out that the apple isnt sorry for what it did or how it feels
4: asked fatpat about my top he doesnt recall anything..ive concluded that thy did not give it back and like her doodle friend is ..delusional LOL
5: ate at Papa Gino's mmmm ate a..looks like a crepe ..it had cheese and salami and ham in it...yumm but not for me wayy too big fatpat ate it all
6: ate icecream at Il Dolce Freddo..YUMM YUMM YUM the best ive tasted so far ..coffee and mango today
7: fatpat called to check his credit thing..got really pissed cos it didnt get sent thru..needed to photocopy ID. Post only fax crap not photocopy need to find a photocopier
RMIT do not have photocopier in its building WTH YEH? ..so walked to another rmit building photocopied lost fax number late for work ..so i faxed it instead - initially didnt
want me to send it ...internet cafe: 3$ Post: 4$ ..to FAX
8: walked by my tv saw and heard something abt some lady whos never been kissed and believes her first kiss will set her free? LOL reminded me of the QUEEN for some reason..xD
9: found a really sad good song..well i like it =] by david choi - wont even start..wongfu productions are preety cool
10: found out that docklands now have ICESKATING (from yang) buy one get one free tickets!!! WOOO must go one day SOON
Friday, June 5, 2009
gay thursday
2: ate yoyogi with fatty next time order just one plate and share portions are big ate katsudon and inari and sushi...
3: went shopping instead of studying bought two tops grey n white and jeans n a locket
4: found out about umm yeh about jackfruit and kumquats theyre really interesing.. reality KOREAN DRAMA haha and its really WTH WTH
5: fatty had his crown test
6: umm freaking out for exams
7: sonny got in trouble cos he ate his food bowl he lost all his tennis balls i gave him about 8
8: drank overdue orange juice -best before
9: found out my red friend arrived ONLY when i went for a shit ..beautiful
10: sleep