we were meant to paint patricks room ..but we didnt do so in summer which is the perfect time ..so now we gotta wait cos its too cold to paint..and itll take forever to dry..so redesigning pats room stopped at the red light for some time now..and out of the blue i had this image of a tree silhouette in his room with photos on it..haha corny but i think itll be..itll look freaking awesome on his feature wall..so i go looking up tree silhouette designs in bedrooms..and i came across this..

THIS SO SO COOL..SO WILL BE MY FUTURE BED!! ..i know its not the best..but im in love with it =) dont know why..just pure awesomeness haha ..and THEN i cam across all these awesome furniture designs..like this!

and THIS!

i think this is preety snazzy stuff ..but wont be in my future house too tacky xD
and now i saw
shawn lovel's site..the bed is 15K ..great..byebye awesome bed
HAHA.. your bed is.. -___-